

Finance & Markets




Economist and County Commissioner Karl Perterjohn's Presentation on the Current Recession - This is an excellent presentation that gives the basics of the problems we confront right now in the current recession.  It was put together by Karl Peterjohn an economist and an elected Sedgwick County, Kansas commissioner.

Hayek and Keynes Rap - entertaining and educational rap about the difference between Hayek (Austrian School) and Keynes (Socialism) on boom and bust cycles.




Trading News (What I am buying and selling)


Buying                                                   27 July 2010


I am purchasing for dividend to replace income lost through the finance stock tumble and the recession.  Dividend stocks also indicate stability.  I have not made an evaluation this year.  Oil and stable financials top my buying list.  Buying time is usually best around September.  Remember, don't buy anything at peak--at least I don't.






I am selling less productive stocks and buying more dividend bearing ones.


Evaluation 2008


1  Southern Copper                  PCU

2  Hansen Natural                   HANS

3  Frontier Oil                         FTO

4  Holly                                  HOC

5  Guess?                               GES

6  MEMC Electronic Materials     WFR

7  McDermott International       MDR

8  Terra Industries                   TRA

9  BE Aerospace                      BEAV

10  Apple                               AAPL


2008 Stock Evaluation Spreadsheet


Evaluation 2007


NutriSystem                NTRI                                          Purchased

Titanium Metals           TIE                                            Thinking hard

Hansen Natural            HANS


Evaluation Prior Years




Chico's FAS                  CHS                                          Purchased

Cleveland-Cliffs            CLF  

Frontier Oil                  FTO

Urban Outfitters           URBN                                        Purchased

Southwestern Energy    SWN


2006 Stock Evaluation Spreadsheet






Rate of Return

Growth is up, but I haven't taken the time to update these numbers.

Current year to date                                                       January

Personal Investments                                                                 x.x%

Directed IRA                                                                              x.x%

Trusts and Estates                                                                     x.x%

GST #1                                                                                     x.x%

GST #2                                                                                     x.x%


Cumulative                           12.8% per year     205.2%

Personal Investments                            14.5% per year             232.8%

Directed IRA                                         11.1% per year             177.5%

Trusts and Estates                                  9.7% per year               19.7%

GST #1                                                  1.7% per year               10.4%

GST #2                                                14.1% per year               84.4%



                                         2007  2006  2005  2004   2003  2002  2001


Personal Investments            -3.6   17.8    7.2   15.7   37.7  -12.4    2.5 

Directed IRA                         -7.6   24.4    8.0   12.5   21.7    -9.1  10.6  

Trusts and Estates                         16.8    2.5

GST #1                               -14.5   35.8 -11.4    0.5     0.0     0.0

GST #2                                -0.8    14.1  13.8   47.5   20.2  -10.4


                                         2001  2000  1999  1998   1997  1996  1995


Personal Investments             2.5  -14.7   19.5   20.8   47.0   67.0   32.1

Directed IRA                        10.6   37.0     8.2     5.0   11.6   14.2   20.2

Trusts and Estates

GST #1

GST #2


My Investment Strategy

The following articles outline my investment strategies.  Based on past returns, they work pretty well.


Basic Rules for Investing


Stock Selection  


My Life Strategy


The following article outlines my strategy for organizing my life.


The Life Organizer




  If you have comments about this page or its contents...

Contact Lionel Alford




  L.D. Alford is the author of 41 technical papers published in international journals on flight test, military policy, flight safety, space, and cyberwar.  Technical Writing
  L.D. Alford has been a professional aviator for over 30 years.  Aviation Writing

L.D. Alford Aviation Writing Technical Writing Unpublished Novels Writing Links Engineer


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